Entries in quilting (37)


the tall short person picked these colors

I finished the nine squares for another quilt today.  My Tall Short Person actually picked these colors a few years back.  It was a stack of fat quarters from Joann's.  She was wanting to make a quilt.  But the person who she was with at the time (and was there for the fabric chosing) is no longer in her life and the fabrics, the way she was putting them together, made it harder.

I accept fabric from anyone.  I do this because that way I get things that are different then what I would chose and makes a different looking quilt.  Which is very nice!

I would never had picked them and I would never had a quilt that looked like this come through my life.  I have to admit it was a bit hard putting laying this out this morning.  I fell hard during my skating lesson last night and still hurt.  It was a fall from almost a stand still and those really hurt the worse.  I knocked myself silly a bit.  I found the getting up and down was making my stomach upset.


And my helper was no help!  Small Mister slept through the whole thing.

This quilt is for Miss K's babe.  I do not know if it is a boy or girl.  Unless the Tall Short Person wants it.  She did pick the fabrics!


sitting this weekend

I spent a lot of time sitting in this rocking chair this weekend.  It is my rocking chair.  If I do not say it is mine, it has a tendency to get snitched by the other family member.  I needed to finish this quilt, which I did, but I also really needed to be off my feet.  

I cracked my right ankle a year and half ago.  Do not ask me how, because I do not know.  I do know there was much pain.  Either at the time or during the healing process, I screwed up tendons and ligaments in the foot and ankle too.  I have found skateboarding (or landsurfing as my Beloved calls it) stretches out and strengthens all those tendons and ligaments.  And I over do SO well!  The only way I got that foot into my figure skate on Sunday was that it had been in my hockey skate doing laps first!

I always find the most interesting ways to rehab.  And tonight I am a bit bruised.  I did a very good technical fall.  The three year old wandering all around blowing bubbles is fine.  It was me or him.  I chose me.  It did kill the downhill though.... sigh... Really good bruises.  Something to smile at tomorrow and try to ice skate through.

This is a bit of a babble today.  


basting going on

I got a chance to baste the quilt for stitching this last weekend.  I did it while my stomach was not very happy with me.

But I did have a little bit of help.  Even if it was only the stories I was being told.

The company was a nice way to not think of the number of saftey pins I used and help keep my mind off my stomach.  I have not had the energy to do much this week and I have a few really need to does.  Maybe next week will be better.


the quilting is done

Since Sunday, I have been quilting.  A bit everyday just because my life is full.  My Beloved has been reading aloud to me while I quilt.  It is a way for us to spend time together.  Except today.  My Beloved and the Tall Short Person got sucked into a movie.

But I finished the quilting!  It looks so nice.  Time to work on the binding.  I should be hand delivering it to its new home on Monday.


getting distracted 

I needed to lay out all the nine squares to see how they would look in a baby quilt top.  Instead, I was distracted by Gary Vaynerchuk and his talk.  Pretty excellent.  Tells it like it is and is the truth for every situation.  I had to watch it so I did not get started on this quilt top as soon as I should have.  Or started drinking tea for that matter.

But I got down to it and a little bit at a time, the squares were laid out.

Until it was done.  I did find taking pictures of the quilt top seemed to help me see what it would really look like.  Photographs and tea helped.

But now it is like this again because I have to go back to my sewing machine and put it together.

Thanks Gary for the excellent distraction.  Or was the quilt the distraction (evil grin).