Entries in quilting (37)


Mr Gray's quilt is done too!

Mr Gray's quilt is done too!  I really wanted the twins quilts to be delivered at the same time and I accomplished that.

I actually used the same fabrics in the tops and part of the backs.  For Miss Ellie, I put the pinks and light colors in the middle.  For Mr.  Gray, I put the blues and greens in the middle.  

Their Momma liked the quilts so much she brought us fresh out of the oven brownies.  Yum!  I got a hug from their Poppa.  They are afraid to use them but I make them to use them.  The Tall Short Person's is still being used twenty six years later, machine washed and dried.  Yes, some of the quilting threads have broken but that is not surprising.

By the way, our oven works!  My Beloved and the Small Mister fixed today after I found the parts yesterday.  Life is good.  There is a cake I wish to try.  


Miss Ellie's quilt

Miss Ellie's quilt is done!

Small Mister and I delivered her's and her brother's on Saturday.  It was the first Saturday in ever so long that I had some quiet time.  My Beloved was doing a demo at the Houston Area Blacksmith Association.  That took all day.  I sat, stitched, and watched movies.  It is easier to get the hand stitching done when there is no one who needs anything.  Saturdays have been chaos theory in action around here.

We lost the bake element in our oven yesterday.  Fairly spectacularly.  I put more energy into finding that part then I ever did in getting the hard drive fixed on the computer.  I guess that tells you what is important in our lives.  I had to laugh at myself hard.  

I also have the materials to fix my boat.  My Beloved, a skateboard, and my boat.  Not good.  But that is life.  I am trying to be better about not feeling devastated when things I love to use get broken.  


more pinning 

I have been spending a lot of time at the sewing machine this weekend.  Mr. Gray's quilt has been quilted.  I just need to bind the edges.

Miss Ellie's quilt is pinned.  My helper was fast asleep.  I was able to get the first bit of quilting done before Small Mister woke himself up.  It was a nice way to decompress from work.


broccoli salad and small fingers helping

I made the best salad last night!  Miss D from work has been talking about this salad:  broccoli, grapes, pecans, feta, a bit of red onion if you have it, and some vinaigrette.  Now I tweaked it a bit.  She uses raw broccoli but I do not really like that.  My Beloved would.  But I will have you know before we even got half way through this salad he was saying we could have this again.  My suggestion, if you make it, is make twice as much as you need because that is how good it is.

Now I fussed a little bit.  I roasted the broccoli.  My Beloved teased me about the grapes in half.  I had a feta in the refrigerator that had black pepper in it.  That made a very nice bite.  I used green onion instead of red because I had a lot of it from the CSA box (and more in the garden).  I did the fussing while the broccoli roasted.

Broccoli Salad

2 head of broccoli

2 tablespoonns of olive oil

a large pinch of salt

a large pinch of pepper

about 1/2 pound of grapes, cut in half

about 1/2 cup pecans, chopped

about 8 ounces feta

about 1/4 cup chopped onion

2 to 6 tablespoons of vinaigrette (to your taste)

Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.  On a baking sheet pour the olive oil.  Cut up the broccoli heads.  We liked little bits but do what you will.  Put on the baking sheet and toss.  Sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Bake for 20 minutes, stirring once in between.  If you want crisper broccoli, let it stay in the oven longer.  Not so crisp shorter.

While the broccoli is roasting, prepare the rest of the ingredients, except the vinaigrette.  Put in a large bowl.  When the broccoli is done, add to the bowl and toss.  Add the vinaigrette and toss again.

I could have this again tonight but we are cleaned out of everything that is in it.  Sigh.

I have been machine quilting and I have small fingers quilting.  Small Mister is very interested in the letters on my machine head.  He is a pretty good helper as long as he is interested.  Otherwise.....  He gets put down.  He liked seeing where all those safety pins went that he helped me with last night.  This makes me smile.


mr. gray's quilt

Mr.  Gray's quilt top and back are done.  This is exciting to me because I have been making them (his sister's too) all through out the holiday season and up to now.  I have been working on them with every other project.

I had enough batting in the house that Small Mister and I worked on basting the quilt together.

The Tall Short person was squishing zombies on her phone while we worked.

We actually finished the basting of this quilt tonight and I started the quilting.  I have to buy more batting for Miss Ellie's.  I hope to get them done soon so I can walk them across the street.  

I do have to admit that I like making the nine squares.  I have four more planned and I admit one of those is for me.  I am making mine out of silk and cannot wait!

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