Entries in quilting (37)


linen nine squares done and laid out for nirinjan

This quilt is for my best friend Nirinjan.  It has been on the to do list for over a year.  And it is getting closer to done then most.  I have been working on it a hour a day.  Because as I work on it, I am also working on a quilt to sew.  And for one for friends who are got married this last weekend.  Actually, an hour a day seems to get a lot done.  

I seemed to have a lot of "help" on this quilt.  Small Mister is a "helper" and my Beloved had to help too.  The older one was actually a help.  I hope to have most of the quilt ready for quilting next week.  


for Jewel's

I finished the quilt for my friend Jewel's.  It is just a lap quilt but I know how helpful that can be.  She has different chronic health problems, like I do, but the symptoms are similar.  I find that I like to curl up under the quilt I made the Tall Short Person 27 years ago.  I though Jewel's might like something to curl up under when tireds or aches going on.  Especially if there is a cup of tea and a book involved.  Maybe one of her littles can curl up under it with her.

I had scraps of Liberty of London prints and Civil War Era reproductions that made this quilt.  There are a few other prints but it is mostly those.  I really like how it all came together.  Now to get it into the mail.  That is the problem I have been having lately, getting things into the post.  Maybe even leaving the house.  I can be such a hermit.  But I need to go to the libraries and hardware store today.  I should be able to stop at the post office.


quiet weekend

It has been a quiet weekend.  There have been a few errands to run but I really wanted to work on Miss J's quilt.  I have other sewing projects I want to work on as well and am excited about but I would really like to be able to mail this off.  

I got the back finished and the pinning/basting done.  All the time, I was listening to an audiobook from the library.

At this point, it is over half quilted.  I may get some more time at the sewing machine today.  I may not.  Sweet Small Mister is back from his Dad's and his Mom is working so we have him.  I also have a skating lesson and there is the possibility of a movie in our evening.  

Quiet weekends are always quite full.


for my friend J

Today has been busy.  I finished a dirt bag mattress.  We went to the library to drop off books, dropped off knives so sheathes can be made, and picked up supplies for our road trip.  I started binding Baby Nacho's quilt since all the quilting is done.

And I finished 100 nine squares for my friend J's quilt.  My real goal with this one is to have it done by autumn so J can have something to curl under when she is tired.  She has some chronic health issues.  Kind of like me but different.  She is tired a lot and I thought a bit of warmth would help.  I know when I am tired, it helps me.

I really wanted to get the squares done before we left and I did.  The stitching also helped my head.  I really wanted to not be here.  The mountain would have been great but better if we had a cabin in place.  I just wanted to sit on a porch with my hand wrapped around a tea cup.  And not be in a city.  I will have a little bit of that next week.  I will probably not have any access to my blog but sometimes the satellites line up just right.....


three quarters done

I am three quarters of the way done with Baby Nacho's quilting bit of his quilt.  I might be able to finish this this weekend.  But this weekend is already full of tasks and want to do's.  There is just not enough hours.  There are days I wish my life was closer to the land and creative tasks, like Tasha Tudor's.  Maybe someday.

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