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for Jewel's

I finished the quilt for my friend Jewel's.  It is just a lap quilt but I know how helpful that can be.  She has different chronic health problems, like I do, but the symptoms are similar.  I find that I like to curl up under the quilt I made the Tall Short Person 27 years ago.  I though Jewel's might like something to curl up under when tireds or aches going on.  Especially if there is a cup of tea and a book involved.  Maybe one of her littles can curl up under it with her.

I had scraps of Liberty of London prints and Civil War Era reproductions that made this quilt.  There are a few other prints but it is mostly those.  I really like how it all came together.  Now to get it into the mail.  That is the problem I have been having lately, getting things into the post.  Maybe even leaving the house.  I can be such a hermit.  But I need to go to the libraries and hardware store today.  I should be able to stop at the post office.

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Reader Comments (2)

Elizabeyta, I love it. I love you. Thank-you for loving me. xo

July 22, 2013 | Unregistered CommenterJewels

You are welcome. Think of it as a hug!

July 22, 2013 | Registered Commenterelizabeyta

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