
Miss A's quilt laid out

Since I got all the nine squares made, it was time to lay out the quilts.  I got the chance to lay out Miss A's quilt this morning, even though I already working on the bits for the back.

Since the quilts are for fraternal twins, I wanted them the same but different.  The prints are all the same with one exception.  This is Miss A's.  I put the pinks in the center and the blues on the edge.  The greens and yellows are scattered through out.  I do like how it turned out.  

Now to sew it.  With presents to make, I wonder how long that will take.  


for our neighbor's twins

Our neighbors had twins this autumn.  A boy and a girl.  I finished all the nine squares for their quilts today.  I wanted the quilts to have the same fabrics even if the number of squares are different.  I think it is going to be interesting how each turns out because my quilts are always different!  Many of these squares were sewn with a Small Mister on my lap.  He really likes my sewing machine, pins, and scissors.  It is a very slow process when he is "helping."

My Beloved and I took Small Mister out to my quilt fabric store.  They charmed the owner while I picked out fabrics for the backs of the two quilts.  

I also found fabric for a casual dress and a just because piece.  The dress will be another one of those high priced European dresses that takes no time at all to make.  This one is more expensive then the one I made with the fabric that was $2 a yard.  It is the green bit up there in the picture.  I just liked it.

Brownie torte is out of the oven.  There is tea on.  I think it is time for dessert.  That makes me smile.


drum carder

I have lots of fiber.  I have been slowly hand carding it.  It is a restful, meditative process but much slower then my spinning.  Even when I use a drop spindle.  So it was a lot slower then I needed it to be.

My Beloved and I talked.  He was much more convinced that I needed a drum carder then I was but he did not push.

He was right.  

My drum carder came while we were on the land.  I have used it every day this week.

The fiber comes out so much better then my hand carding and so much faster!  I am still learning but this would have probably taken me weeks to do.  I have been carding a bit every night and spinning what I card.  It is different but still very restful and meditative.  I really need that in my life right now.  Being away from the land is very hard.

I seem to keep collecting tools.  I think I need another work table if not another work space.  More tools came today!


5 generations

Thanksgiving day was a mad house.  But there is much to be thankful for.  This picture basically says it all.  We had 5 generations of family in the house.  100 years.  My Grandmother is 101.  Small Mister is 1.  What more is there to be thankful for?  We had 17 adults at the table and 6 kids.  My Beloved had his brother and his wife and best friend there as well.  There was much conversation.  Good food.  But the pie did not last until breakfast (I need to make another pumpkin pie).

It was hard to leave the next day.  It was the first Thanksgiving we have spent with my family since we were married due to my Beloved's job up until now.  My Dad had all his grandchildren under the roof at one time.

Another thing to be thankful, my Beloved's knives was part of the Bon Appetit gift giving list.  

It has been a lovely year.


Thanksgiving week

We went to our land for Thanksgiving week.  The land had gone from being under a fire watch to being under a flood watch.  

We had lots of rain, a little bit of sun, a little bit of snow.  We walked in the mud, worked in the mud, and got stuck in the mud.

The boys really did not wish to come inside.

But when they did, it was time for tea, quiet, and sleep.

We are home now.  Not really wishing to be.  Wishing we were back in the colder rain.