
grey dress (large smile here)

I finished a linen dress for myself.  Grey.

With pockets.

And sparkly buttons.  

This dress is so comfortable.  I have to admit that I had a bit of getting used to the pockets but now I miss them on any other dress I wear.  The linen in this dress is very light and breezy.  It is nothing special but I like it.  The sparkly buttons are just fun.  My Beloved told me I did good.

I have been wearing this to work so my guess is it is not going camping with us this weekend.  Oh well.


life putting the computer back together

We have a computer again.  But we are rebuilding it.  The operating system has been upgraded so everything feels very different.  But I will get used to it.  I did love a few pictures so I am going to have to remake some goodies.

I bought myself these flowers on Friday.  I needed them.  Peonies and roses.  They smell good and have brightened my days since I put them on the table.  I can grow roses here but not peonies.  Hopefully, I can grow some on the mountain.

I started another afghan but this one is to be felted.  I am going to create the fabric for Small Mister's winter coat next year.  I like how the afghan turned out that the Tall Short Person felted.  This will be different because the yarn is different but I think I will be pleased.

Hopefully, there will not be anymore computer drama.  But I do have to say, today was a very Monday Monday.  I even got stepped on in the elevator by one of my bosses.  He was so apologetic!  But at that point, all I could do was laugh.


banana pancakes

The computer's hard drive died.  At least it was still under warranty, yes?  We have almost everything backed up except for maybe the last day of pictures.  I am hoping some *.pdfs I was working got backed up as well.  I have the files other places but the idea of redoing is a bit overwhelming.  I know I can do it with a very deep breath first.

My Beloved has been having problems eating pancakes.  They have been upsetting his stomach.  I was thinking that it may be the grains.  When I heard about this banana pancake recipe, I decided to give it a try.

banana pancakes

For each person:

One very ripe banana

one egg

1 tablespoon of peanut butter.  

Blend it all together and cook on a griddle like a pancake.  They need a bit lower heat because of the sugar in the bananas.

They are very light and fluffy with a light banana flavor.  You do have to like banana though.

I was just thinking, some chocolate sauce and/or peanut butter sauce on these would make a lovely dessert.  But those are some of my most favorite flavors together.


an old pattern and silk

I am going to say the hardest thing about having my computer down is that the pictures I want to use for blog posts are on that computer.  It makes it hard.

I did go out this weekend and spoil myself with the purchase of silk.   I pulled out an old pattern to start making some simple dresses for summer.  The pattern is over 25 years old.  Vintage Donna Karan Vogue.  I wanted something that was silk, a shift or chemise style, and that I could throw into a backpack at a moments notice.  Maybe I should be an adult here and say bag but, in reality, it would be a backpack.  Add sandals or stockings and heels and I can go to any occasion.  If I put a skirt over it, I have a lovely top.

I cut out the right size but I am hoping the pattern still fits.  It has been a few years.  I have extra fabric if I need to do some modifications.  Two pieces of fabric.  Four seams.  One placket.  Four hems.  That is all there is to it.  If only every dress was this easy!



I got the chance to mix some cob this weekend to put on the wall of the Teahouse.  We paid a friend to put a real roof on the structure for us and when he did he pulled off the damaged bits.  Now they need to be fixed and I started the process.  I got four batches of cob on the wall.  Nothing today because it was misting and there were other chores to do.

As you can tell, I had help from the Small Mister.  He danced with me a bit and told me all about the consistency of the cob.  I just wish I understood his words.  All too soon he will be speaking our language.  My Beloved helped me move buckets as well as the Tall Short Person.  My Beloved actually had the forge going so everyone was in the backyard for a good part of the day.  

The process of cobbing is slow for me.  It works best.  I actually scared my Beloved while I was on the ladder.  He wishes to put the scaffolding back up but I think the ladder is working for me well right now.  The process is also rather soothing.  It is that getting your hands in the mud thing.  

I do hope to get more done and the walls done before it gets too hot.  But too hot may be tomorrow, even though it does not look like it.

We have a computer down so blogging this week may be catch as catch can.