
a new rug

This is another work in progress that is finished.  It has been in progress for so long because it is a bit hard to work on a wool rug when it is over 100 degrees Fahrenheit outside.  I may felt it but I have not decided.  I know that when the nights were in the 20's here, i was very glad it was on the floor.  It did not cover a lot of area but it did help.  It did not turn out the way I was thinking it would because I screwed up the color pattern.  That is okay.  It works.

I actually am going to try to make an area rug out of t-shirts next.  I still have to dye the t-shirts and then cut them up.  I was thinking it might be a tad more washable with a vomiting Small Mister.  He has a very good gag reflex.  I also like the idea of reuse.


my anniversary gift

Anniversaries are not that big a deal around here.  We both agree that we feel like we have been married a minute and forever at the same time.  Usually, we will do something nice for dinner, whether in our out.  We usually do not give each other anniversary gifts.  But when I asked for a lamp for my sewing machine since on our anniversary, my Beloved built me one.  

I realized I needed a lamp for my sewing machine since my body is between it and the light.  Especially when I am working black on black.  It is really tough to see.But when I asked for a lamp for my sewing machine since on our anniversary, my Beloved built me one.

Is it not cool?  Mostly it was built from things we had around the house.  The dining room is a tad darker now because that is where the light bulb came from.  The cord came from an old appliance.  That is a habit my Beloved has picked up from my Dad.  We are really not sure where the copper tubing came from.  It was found.  

It is so nice to have light!  I really like my lamp.


and of course, a quilt top

While I did all my holiday sewing and during my refurbishing, I finished putting together a quilt top.  I still have the back to put together.  As I change some other works in progress that will never be finished to other projects that will be finished, I have also put the nine squares for another quilt top together.  I will have another top to lay out soon.  

I took a slip at the ice rink.  A bit of soreness is going on that may get in the way of basting and stitching a quilt.  It is a bit of a sigh but it does help the slowing down process that I am not always the best at!  I was looking forward to the meditative process of basting and quilting but it may be a few weeks off.


a bit of sewing

I sewed for the holidays.  I sew for peace of mind which means that after the holidays I may actually have been busier at my sewing machine then durning.  I actually have two more pairs of pants to start and finish.  Cargo pajama pants for my Beloved and Small Mister.  But I decided to do some more sewing for myself.

I spend a little time on Pinterest but not a lot.  I actually follow a lot of people who post outdoor pictures.  I would rather be in the mountains.  But I realized when I pinned a dress to consider something about it, it is usually French or Japanese.  It is usually short.  And it is usually a-line or a smock dress of some type.  I like long but right now it is really not fitting my lifestyle.  I made this dress out of my stash and it just worked.

I then added a pinnie!  I modified my measurements and this actually fits better.

Then I started looking at my closet.  I must of pulled out a dozen things and I am considering a half a dozen more.  I pulled four dress, two with holes and two that I just do not wear.  They are too heavy and too warm for this town most of the time.

I was able to make three dresses.  They are a lot like the little plaid dress but the black one has a different neckline.  Great for bicycling, skateboarding, rowing, gardening, a bit of yoga, or running around with the Small Mister.  I feel like you should be able to do everything in your life in a dress, and if you cannot, you need to change the design of the dress.

A skirt that I did not wear at all became a pinnie with a few extra bits of fabric.  

I still have a few more things to make. Mostly from unfinished projects in my stash or other bits I have taken apart.  I am going to cut a few things out of fabric I already have.  The only thing I am buying right now is thread, and not much of that.  I am bizarre and think it is a lot of fun to refurbish my wardrobe from what I already have.  It does explain why I fell over yesterday in sleep after work though.  Up right was not working very well.


frozen yogurt

Yes, I know the counter needs wiping but this frozen yogurt disappears so fast that I am lucky to get a picture!  

We recently found the frozen yogurt shop Pinkberries but they are a distance a way and I just do not like always have to go out for frozen anything.  I especially seem to like frozen desserts best when it is also freezing outside.  I really do not want leave the house then but I want that yogurt.  

I did some research and the the best frozen yogurt recipe seems to come from David Lebovitz.  I read his ice cream cookbook when it first came out and it was inspiring.  It inspired me to try different combinations and to make ice cream without an ice cream freezer.  Supposedly, the frozen yogurt recipe was better then Pinkberries.   I would say I have to agree.

The recipe is easy.  Find the best greek style yogurt you can buy or make.  I am actually using a goat milk yogurt as our base.  For every cup of yogurt, add a 1/4 cup of sweetner.  Freeze.  I have used brown sugar and maple syrup so far.  

I still use the spoon and bowl in the freezer to make the frozen yogurt.We get so impatient because we taste every time we stir, that so far we have gotten to a very thick pudding but not a soft serve texture.  Frozen yogurt will harden in the freezer if left so pull it out if you wish it to soften.  The other option is to use an ice cream maker but then I would have to buy a new noisy contraption.  

It is really this easy.  So far I have not been tempted to try flavors but when I do, I will write them down!