
a chalkboard in the kitchen

A friend of mine posted pictures from her family home a bit ago on her blog.  They have a chalkboard to keep their lists on.  I so liked this idea because I lose the lists of paper.  I told my Beloved what I was wanting and he went through all the plywood we had.  He found a piece that was in great shape.

Small Mister and my Beloved went on a mission to the hardware store for chalkboard paint.  They painted the board and mounted it on the wall.  We have a chalkboard in the kitchen!  My Beloved said he would use a piece of sheetrock next time because it would give a smoother surface but it still works quite well.  I am finding when I have holes in my to do list, the holes get filled with "wants" for dinners.  It sure beats having to ask for ideas!

There is one hole in my list right now.  I wonder how it is going to get filled.


fig and prosciutto pizza 

This is currently my favorite pizza.  Fig and prosciutto pizza.  And it does explain why I cannot go out for pizza.  I put together a sourdough crust and rolled it thin.  Sliced five figs and spread them around.  Ripped up an eighth to a quarter pound of prosciutto.  Sprinkled that over the figs.  Drizzled with a good glug of olive oil.  It then baked for 18 minutes at 450 degrees Fahrenheit.

I was in heaven.  This is so yummy.  But you cannot order it.  You  might find something similar, called something different at an upscale resturant.  

It is so simple.  Those are really the directions and porportions I used.  But it is slow food.  It is  food that takes a little care.  I started the sourdough the night before.  I kneaded the dough for five to ten minutes with small hands that wished to help me.  I let the dough sit and rise until it is ready.  It is the type of food that warms your soul not just your tummy.

I wish everyone could find such joy in such simplicity.  In the task as well as in the food and the sharing of it.


trying block printing again

Ever since my printing class last spring, I have wanted to try block printing again.  I do not draw well so the process is difficult.  I like everything about it except the drawing I am trying to make.  I really like the process of printing.  Putting together the plate/block.  Testing color.  Picking paper.  Printing.  Even the clean up.

This time I decided to try something simple.  Just a word.  Joy.

The paper is wrong.  The ink is wrong.  But that is what exactly this wood block did for me.  Gave me joy.  I even made some stationary and sent it to a friend in the form of a letter.  One page turned out well.  The other just looked like a black square.  

There are some tools I still need.  A glass sheet.  A roller (brayer).  Better ink.  Probably oil based.  I might try smoother paper.  It is one of those things that I have a hard time stepping away from when I get started.  I am not sure I really need an art like that in my life but it makes me smile and brings me joy.



I have been slowly quilting.  Between the garden, Small Mister, crocheting, and normal life, this is going slower then usual.  Small Mister REALLY likes this quilt.  He goes and sees it every time he is here.  That has been a lot this week because the Tall Short Person had a two day course and work.  He used to be fascinated with the sewing machine and would watch for about a half hour before he wished to put his fingers in it.  Not so any more, especially with the colors in this quilt.

Maybe this weekend, it will be finished.  Then, I have two more in the work already.  Sewing squares.  And a few dresses and shopping bags need to be made too.


i was wrong

Yesterday's failure was not.  The chocolate set up in a warm kitchen.  It just took more time and patience then we were willing to give it yesterday evening.

This is what I came home to today.  A spoon sitting in the tart pan and the tar in the shape of a crescent moon.  It was really MUCH better the second day.  The chocolate tart would be something to make for company (if you wished to share).  It is very decadent and hard to take just one bite.

I am going to share some of my baking adventures here today.

I let Small Mister help me break bread.  I find I have more patience as a Grandmomma then a Momma.  I do believe it has a lot to do with getting sleep.  The Tall Short Person still does not sleep well to do this day.

I do believe it also has something to do with being a different child.  Small Mister is very curious on how everything works.  Like my sewing machine.  Or my spinning wheel.  Or what is Grandmomma making in that bowl.  It took him a bit to put his hands in and touch it but when he did....  We were making rye bread for his Grandpoppa.  Sourdough rye.

I gave him the wooden spoon when it was time to knead so I could put him down.  It was an adventure.

But it brought so much joy!  It is my fault if Small Mister grows up to be a baker or chef.  I will take full responsibility.