
being more then slightly absurd

The making of pajama bottoms for stockings and package has started.  I cut out three pairs tonight and have two more pairs to start.  I cut out the adults but not Small Mister's.  He picked his fabric.  

I decided to make a small bag for the white elephant present because I really hate throw away wrapping.  I made a bag.  A flannel bag.  Flannel is a theme.  It is absurd to make a bag when I am should be making pajamas.

As I was putting a pair of pajamas together, I put the bag together.

I really like this gift.  It has been suggested maybe I should miss the lunch to keep my gift.  

Mmmm.....  I did take a lovely walk today.  Maybe the weather will be as lovely tomorrow.


white elephant

The business unit I work for at the company I work for is having a Christmas lunch this week.  It is actually a fairly harried time which is very unusual for this time of year for me.  But if I do get a chance to go to the lunch, there will be a white elephant present gifting.  The cost was supposed to be $15 but my experiences of shopping for anything this time of year is that it takes three times as long as normal.  I had to go to the grocery store on Saturday.  I think the only saving grace was I got into a conversation with the gentleman working in bulk.  It saved the whole experience.

I have my normal reaction to the white elephant gift.  I make something.  One year it was a box of brownies.  Those were stolen a few times.  I decided to work on a funky hat since the comment was made that many of the gifts will be gag gifts in the invitation. 

I actually really like it.  It is all scrap yarn.  I know it is basically against the rules but maybe I can get it back for myself?  I know there may be only a few who will appreciate it around the table.  And if I do not get to the lunch, I now have a hat that covers my ears when my hair is up.  That is harder then you think especially when you share hats!


beans and sweet potatoes

We eat a lot of beans around here, especially on salad.  With the weather we live, we can eat salad most of the year and it is fine.  But there are times when salad just does not put enough warm in your belly.  Like there are times where soup is a must.  Or a thick risotto or stew.  This is one of the weeks.  

Tara over at Tea and Cookies posted about putting beans on baked sweet potatoes.  It was one of the hit you upside of the head moments, why have I not thought of this.  I put sweet potato and pumpkin in beans all the time, so why not on top?  Once we got the cooking of the beans done right, this was a snap.  She suggested to use plain beans.  I used spice beans.  And a different cheese.  And I did not have all the greens she did so I left those off.  I would have liked to have had a creamy dressing because of how spicy the beans were but I did not.

I guess what I am trying to say here is started with the basics here:  a baked sweet potato and beans.  Then use your imagination.

beans and sweet potatoes

Note:  Inspired by Tara's post at Tea and Cookies

1 baked sweet potato per person

1 cup beans per person.  I used spicy lady beans but you can use plain beans or something less spicy

a sprinkle of cheese: I used cheddar and Small Mister helped with the grating so there was more then I would have originally used.  Pretty decadent.  Feta, goat, queso fresco would all be good.  Probably so many others

salsa, use your discretion for how much or if you want any

a creamy dressing:  caesar, ranch, blue cheese, honey mustard.  We did not use any this time but I thought it would be good.

greens:  kale, cilantro, green onion, or anything else you may wish

Make sure the sweet potato is baked through and hot.  Split in half.  Cover with beans, salsa, cheese, and any greens you wish.  Sprinkle with cheese.  

Eat, enjoy, and warm your belly.  My Beloved said it made his belly warm and helped him feel sleepy.



Tonight has been interesting.  It is the first night in more then a few years of nights where the beans were uncooked for dinner.  I had new ideas for serving the beans but uncooked beans just do not work.  Hamburgers were the replacement.  They were a good replacement but not what I was looking forward too.  Maybe tomorrow night.  And the beans are cooking in my old tried and true method, slow cooker.

My Beloved told me he needed a tag for the sweater I made him.  It had conformed to his body the few times he was able to wear it on our mountain to have a front and back,  I went through my scrap yarn to find something to make a tag with.

We were both very pleased and the tag is nice and soft.  Now I just have to decide what yarns I need for a white elephant present for next week.  Or am I going to spin the yarn for a hat?


date butterscotch oatmeal cookies

For whatever odd reason, I decided to make cookies tonight.  I really did not have the time or energy but ... oh well!  My boss at work brought back date vanilla chip oatmeal cookies from his last boondogle.  They called it a class but it was in Death Valley, one of my favorite places.  Boondogle.  

I made these with both white chocolate and butterscotch chips.  We decided we liked the butterscotch best even if I think both are good.  These are simple simple.  I based them on an old Laurel's Kitchen recipe.  They would be great in a lunch box.  Or for breakfast with tea.

date butterscotch oatmeal cookies

1/4 cup butter

1/3 cup brown sugar

2 egg yolks (because I needed to use them, equivalent to about one medium egg)

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/4 teaspoon salt

1/2 cup almond flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

1/2 cup pecan meal

3/4 cup oat flour (which was supposed to be a quick oat but we will not discuss small hands and the Ninja.  How long can that machine run?)

16 dates, chopped up into small pieces

1/2 cup butterscotch chips.

Preheat oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cream the butter and sugar together.  Mix in the egg and vanilla.  Mix in the salt, baking soda and all the flours.  If you actually have quick oats, mix them in here.  Mix in the chips.  Bake 10 to 12 minutes, or until golden.

Might definitely be breakfast.....