

We are dealing with vomit and wired this evening.  Such an interesting combination.  Hopefully, I will have the time and energy to really post tomorrow.  

I am going to enjoy flowers.


quiet after the trip

I have been feeling very quiet after the time on the mountain.  I am having a hard time adjusting to Houston even though are good things in my life like new glasses and a lovely lunch with a friend.  With the quiet,  I have been spending most evenings with my spinning wheel and a bag of fiber.  I am making yarn for a sweater I have started my Beloved.  It is a good use of my time while I am being quiet.  

I also am practicing with my drop spindle.  I have a feeling that yarn will end up in a shawl.


fiber tool junky

In the Fairhaven neighborhood of Bellingham, there is this little art gallery of wooden things.  The lady behind the counter was knitting and I just had to ask her what she was making.  I am such a fiber junky.  It was sweater but she had this lovely yarn bowl that was holding her yarn.  I have seen yarn bowls before but they are usually pottery.  With me being a klutz and the Small Mister who wonders the house, no matter how beautiful, I could not justify a pottery yarn bowl.  This wooden bowl is fabulous.  My balls of yarn no longer wonder the room as I crochet.

They also had beautiful handmade Turkish drop spindles.  I walked away with two.  Both are small enough to put in a bag or backpack.  I had thought about bringing a drop spindle to the land with us but my favorites are just a bit big and then there is the fiber issue.  I have to admit that I had wished I brought fiber when these two lovelies came home with us.  But that enabler behind the counter sent fiber as padding with us

But did I use it as padding.  OH NO!  I spun in our woods.  After my work day today, I wish I was spinning in the woods now.  Or maybe digging the garden patch for next spring.  I felt like I kept stirring up bees.

I actually need to card more fiber.  I am spinning yarn for a sweater for my Beloved and I keep back a little bit to spin lace yarn on this little drop spindle for a shawl for me.  Maybe I should make socks.  I just need the drop spindle practice.


the road is done!

We went up to our  land last week.  It was a good week.  We were really expecting rain but it was very sunny and dry.  We got a lot of work done.  And our small helper was in the thick of it!

The shed is done except a ramp to take up tools and a bit of hardware cloth.

We even got some of tools organized but we need to build a table and shelves.  

We took down trees and I stacked wood.  There was a reason we were clearing trees.  We were getting the road ready.

For the Dump!  It is a book Small Mister reads that has a blue truck and a Dump.  He got to ride in the Dump at the mountain.  We were clearing enough trees at the edge of the road so the Dump and his driver could dump three inches of gravel down the mountain.

We had a good time.  Lots of work but I came back relaxed.  My Beloved is planning his workshop.  Soon we hope!


last batch of business cards I have currently designed

Tuesday evening, I worked on the last batch of business cards I needed to do.  I have one more set for me I could work one.  I need to do some designing for my best friend and my Beloved.    But my Beloved has business cards he can use right now.  I need some computer time for my best friend.  

An aside, I realize I stand in this position a lot when I look at pictures of myself.  I work a lot standing and watching closely what I am doing.


I find every time I print, I get a little bit better.  Practice is my friend.

I am pleased with how these turned out.  I need to remember to use less ink in the beginning.  It is work to scale back.  I have learned I like working with 100 pound paper better then 80 pound paper.  And my eyes just do not seem to tell me what is straight very well so I have to work at it.  Again, I think practice will really help.

I am looking for volunteers who would be willing to pay for the costs plus just a bit for time for letterpress work to be done.  You must be patient with me though.  Time is limited and everything takes me ten times to long!  Email me or leave a comment if you might be interested.