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one sock down, one to go

My Beloved is such a patient man!  Especially when I am learning something new for him!  This long distant picture of the sock I made so far looks like it does not have many issues.  Taking a picture from a distance really helps!  After the first six inches, I asked him if he would like me to frog it and and start again.  His response was basically he liked the imperfections and only the Divine makes the perfect.

I thought this heel looked huge until it went on his foot.  And it fit.  He was worried about that the sock would be too big on his foot.  I had read the pattern closely and decided to trust it.  The pattern was right and it fit his foot.

I really liked how the toe came out.  He would like the top of the sock to be tighter.  I think it really needs to be taller.  He wanted it to be completely over his calf and it is not quite there.  I have not figured out how to do tighter yet.

But I have started on the next one.  I am going to make it the same size and strive for less imperfections.

The next set of socks I will use smaller needles and make the top longer.  Or if anybody has any ideas?

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