
arepas filled with smoky lentils and smoked blue cheese

Last week, I had lunch in the historical house park in Houston with a friend.  He knows I like tiny houses and he wanted me to see one.  I also did not know there were picnic tables where there were which means when the rain stops I have someplace to hide away from office at lunch!  It was very much a win.  The only glitch in the plan was that I was planning on bringing my lunch from home not eating out.  Well, you see, my Beloved was still hungry after dinner and he ate my lunch.  I told him it was okay.

I had made myself some arepas filled with smoky lentils and smoked blue cheese.  I used my newest arepa recipe  but instead of cheddar cheese, I used a smoked blue cheese from the Grateful Bread dudes and my smoky lentils.  There was about a teaspoon of filling in each arepa.  They were so good.  Next time, I will have to make more for my lunch.

Today was all about trying to feel better.  My body worker made some suggestions:  more water, work on my breathing, and add yoga back into my life.  I will be trying.


wrestling a quilt

I am slowly getting more energy.  There were points today where I was feeling good.  Other points I was exhausted and hurting.  Then there were other points where I was foggy.  Okay, so I hurt most of the time but not feeling exhausted or in a fog is huge!  

I had a friend get me outside for lunch today.  We sat in the shade but it was warm.  That was nice.  Being out of the office and not talking work was lovely.  I also enjoyed the time we spent looking at a small house.  The heat warm all the aches.  They did not go away but they were soothed.

It gave me enough energy to come home and work on my Beloved's sewing machine.  He is using it to make leather knife sheathes.  It needed some adjusting and I have more experience then he does.  

Once I got that working, I started quilting a work in progress that has been in progress much too long!  I need it off my pile.  This quilt actually has an old quilt inside it so I do not need to quilt it as closely as I would my smaller quilts.  It is also going to the mountain to live once it is done.  It does not need to be perfect but it does need to be machine washable, which it is.  It really feels like I am wrestling it right now but it about a quarter done.  

It should be done soon and not a work in progess!


small mister socks

I slept a bit after work today.

Small Mister and I enjoyed the flowers and trees.  We walked to pick up vegetables and go to the library.  This means that I really did not get done what I had been hoping to get done after work.  I needed a small project.

I finished socks.  Poppa put it on him.  Small Mister kept putting them on and taking them off.  I would say that is a success.  I need to remember small projects, even though I am a horrible knitter.  Socks and hats.  I may just need to find a place to donate them to as well.


a "flag"

Today did not go as planned.  The plan was feel better, work in the garden, work on a quilt, card fiber, and spin.  Make food in there somewhere.  Spend time with my Beloved after he was done with his work.  Bits happened but not all.

I am moving slowly.  My Beloved took me out for coffee so he could pick up cigar boxes for knives.  I sewed.  He reheated.  We spent time together.  The time together was lovely.  I did get the back Nirinjan's quilt done.  My Beloved called it Nirinjan's flag.  The label fits!

I did something very different for me for this quilt back.  I think I like it.  I know it fits my friend which is what really counts.  Even though I am moving slowly, this was a nice accomplishment.


an interesting weekend

It was an interesting weekend.  I did not get anything done I hoped to get done.  But we did go surfing.  I am a horrible surfer but I love it so much.  I watch the surf everyday, hoping there will be surf bigger then knee high.  There was this Saturday.  We got a chance to surf.  My Beloved has been hurt for days.  He hurt his back somehow.  I was doing very well until I rode a wave into the shallows and then fell face first into the water bottom.  The flare I am going through and fall made for an interesting combination.  I have been moving vvveeerrryyy slowly.  I just keep moving.  Though the sun feels good when I stay still long enough.

I did get the quilt top sewed together I have been working on.  My assistant and myself did not make a very good combination this time.  I had to rip out seams.  Multiple times.  Usually, I do not have any ripping out at this stage.  Not this time.  But it is all stitched together now.  I have started working on the back.

I have a feeling it is going to continue to be an interesting week.