the loom is warped!
Monday, January 3, 2011 at 8:41PM
elizabeyta in weaving

I promise I will get back to Christmas and I have some new recipes to share (and actually try) but my loom is warped!

Once the warp was wound, I had to tie each of the selvage ends to a dowel to tie to my loom.

I moved the warp from the warping frame to the loom my Beloved built me many years ago.

The warp gets tied and tightened to the loom.  It has to be stretched so it will weave easier.

The last step was too tie the heddle on.  I have to admit that is only the second time I have done all of this and it is still a learning process but you know what?

But with all that:  I AM WEAVING!  I am so excited.  It took me about eight hours to get all the warping and additional tasks done to start weaving.  The weaving is going well but I have only been able to do a little bit because there is life outside of weaving.  It includes food and skating and sewing and work.....  I am rather busy, are I not?  This makes me smile though (smile).

Article originally appeared on Panamint Handmade (
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